Chimney Sweep Services
Is your fire filling your home with smoke? Does your fire no longer heat your home like it used to?
If this sounds like you, your fire isn't working to its full potential and needs to be inspected, cleaned and serviced. The New Zealand Fire Service and wood burner manufacturers recommend that your fireplace is checked and swept at least once a year, especially if it is your main source of heating.
Chimney Sweeping Services Include:
Visual inspection of chimney and stack on arrival at property
Air flow check to ensure the smoke is exiting correctly
An inspection of your bricks, baffle, airflow pipes, retainer, door ropes and flues
Official certificate of chimney sweeping issued by Mr Sweep for your insurance company and peace of mind.
Other Services
Bird Nest removal
Cowls and bird guards fitted
Full smoke testing of flues
MultI-fuel and wood burning stoves fully serviced
Customer Reviews
“Over the past few years ‘Mr Sweep ‘has been preparing our fireplace for winter and we have recommended them to others in our family. They are fast, reasonably priced, and really good at what they do. On top of that the service is excellent and the technicians are friendly.”
“Always great service and communication plus amazingly fair price”